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University of Sussex

Lokasyon ikonu Brighton - İngiltere
University of Sussex görseli
University of Sussex
Lokasyon İkonu Brighton - İngiltere
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Okul Hakkında

Sussex Üniversitesi, İngiltere'nin güneyinde bulunan ve Brighton şehrine yakın konumda bulunan araştırma odaklı bir üniversitedir. Kampüs, Sir Basil Spence'in cesur mimarisi ve Sussex kırsalının doğal güzelliğiyle çevrili olup öğrencilere ilham verici bir öğrenme ortamı sunmaktadır. Brighton'ın canlı atmosferi ise öğrencilerin sosyal ve kültürel yaşamını zenginleştirmektedir. 1960 yılında kurulan Sussex Üniversitesi, özellikle sosyal bilimler, beşeri bilimler, doğa bilimleri ve mühendislik alanlarında yüksek kalitede eğitim ve araştırmalarıyla tanınır. 

Üniversitenin sunduğu lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora programları, öğrencilere geniş bir akademik yelpaze sunar. Öğrencilere teorik bilginin yanı sıra pratik deneyimler kazandırmak için çeşitli staj ve uygulamalı çalışma fırsatları sunulmaktadır. 

Sosyal bilimler alanında, Sussex Üniversitesi'nin araştırmaları toplumsal değişimleri, politikaları ve kültürel dinamikleri anlamak için önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. Özellikle, sosyal adalet, toplumsal eşitsizlikler, göç ve kültürel çeşitlilik gibi konularda yapılan çalışmalar uluslararası alanda büyük ilgi görmektedir.

Doğa bilimleri ve mühendislik alanlarında, Sussex Üniversitesi'nin çevre bilimleri, biyoloji, matematik ve mühendislik gibi disiplinlerdeki araştırmaları da dikkat çekicidir. Özellikle çevre bilimleri ve sürdürülebilirlik konularında yapılan çalışmalar, doğal kaynakların korunması ve çevresel sorunların çözümüne yönelik önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. 
Kasım 2021'de Sussex Üniversitesi, kampüs biyoçeşitliliğini belirlemek için iki günlük bir araştırma başlatmış ve ayrıca kampüs sınırlarının 2 km çevresinde veri araştırması yapmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda 2021 Biyolojik Değer Baz Hattı belirlenmiş ve doğa/biyoçeşitlilik iyileştirmeleri için öneriler sunulmuştur. Ayrıca IUCN Kırmızı Listesi'nde Tehlikede, Nesli Tükenmekte Olan veya Kritik Tehlikedeki türleri belirlemek, izlemek ve korumak için düzenli izleme anketleri başlatılmıştır.

Genel Bilgiler

  • Üniversite Tipi Devlet
  • Kuruluş Yılı 1961
  • Eğitim Dili İngilizce
  • Öğrenci Sayısı 13000
  • Yerleşkeler Sussex Campus
  • Dünya Sıralaması 147

Programlar ve Ücretleri

Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Banking and Digital Finance BSc (Hons)
Banking and Digital Finance (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Business, Management and Economics (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Economics and Finance BSc (Hons)
Finance and Business BSc (Hons)
Finance and Business (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Finance and Technology (FinTech) BSc (Hons)
Finance and Technology (FinTech) (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Finance MMath
American Studies (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
American Studies and English (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
American Studies and Film Studies (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
American Studies and History (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
American Studies and Politics (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Arts and Humanities (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Anthropology BA (Hons)
Anthropology and International Development BA (Hons)
Anthropology with a Language BA (Hons)
Geography and Anthropology BA (Hons)
History and Anthropology BA (Hons)
International Relations and Anthropology BA (Hons)
Social Sciences (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Art History BA (Hons)
Art History (with a professional placement year) BA (Hons)
Art History and Film Studies BA (Hons)
Arts and Humanities (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
English and Art History BA (Hons)
English and Art History (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Biochemistry (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Life Sciences (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Biology BSc (Hons)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
Ecology and Conservation BSc (Hons)
Genetics BSc (Hons)
Medical Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
Neuroscience BSc (Hons)
Neuroscience with Psychology BSc (Hons)
Zoology BSc (Hons)
Business and Management Studies BSc (Hons)
Business and Management Studies (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Economics and Management Studies BSc (Hons)
International Business BSc (Hons)
International Business (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
International Business (with a study abroad year) BSc (Hons)
Marketing and Management BSc (Hons)
Marketing and Management (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Marketing and Management with Psychology BSc (Hons)
Marketing and Management with Psychology (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Chemistry BSc (Hons)
Chemistry MChem
Chemistry (with an industrial placement year) MChem
Chemistry with Summer Research Placements MChem
Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice BA (Hons)
Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status) BA (Hons)
Computer Science BSc (Hons)
Computer Science MComp
Computer Science (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Computer Science (with an industrial placement year) MComp
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Computing for Business and Management BSc (Hons)
Computing for Business and Management (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Computing for Digital Media and Games BSc (Hons)
Computing for Digital Media and Games (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Computing Sciences (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Criminology BA (Hons)
Criminology and Sociology BA (Hons)
Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons)
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)
Filmmaking BA (Hons)
Media and Communications BA (Hons)
Media Production BA (Hons)
Music Technology BA (Hons)
Drama and English BA (Hons)
Drama and English (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Drama and Film Studies BA (Hons)
Drama and Film Studies (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Drama with a Language BA (Hons)
Drama, Theatre and Performance BA (Hons)
Drama, Theatre and Performance (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Ecology and Conservation BSc (Hons)
Economics BA (Hons)
Economics BSc (Hons)
Economics (with a professional placement year) BA (Hons)
Economics (with a professional placement year) BSc (Hons)
Economics and International Development BA (Hons)
Mathematics with Economics BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Economics MMath
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) BA (Hons)
English Language and Linguistics (with TESOL) BA (Hons)
Geography, Sustainable Development and Climate Change BSc (Hons)
International Development BA (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
Engineering (with a foundation year) BEng (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering with Robotics BEng (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering with Robotics (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
Product Design BSc (Hons)
Product Design (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Robotic and Mechatronic Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
Sustainable Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)
Sustainable Automotive Engineering (with an industrial placement year) BEng (Hons)
English BA (Hons)
English (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
English and Art History BA (Hons)
English and Art History (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
English and Creative Writing BA (Hons)
English and Film Studies BA (Hons)
English and History BA (Hons)
English and History (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
English and Media Studies BA (Hons)
English and Media Studies (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons)
English Language and Linguistics (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
English Language and Linguistics (with TESOL) BA (Hons)
English Language and Literature BA (Hons)
English Language and Literature (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Philosophy and English BA (Hons)
Film Studies BA (Hons)
American Studies and Film Studies (with a study abroad year) BA (Hons)
Genetics BSc (Hons)
Geography BA (Hons)
Geography BSc (Hons)
Geography and International Development BA (Hons)
Geography and International Relations BA (Hons)
Geography with a Language BA (Hons)
Social Sciences (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
History BA (Hons)
History and International Relations BA (Hons)
History and Philosophy BA (Hons)
History and Politics BA (Hons)
History and Sociology BA (Hons)
International Development with a Language BA (Hons)
Sociology and International Development BA (Hons)
International Relations BA (Hons)
International Relations and Development BA (Hons)
International Relations and Sociology BA (Hons)
International Relations with a Language BA (Hons)
Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)
Media and Journalism BA (Hons)
Law LLB (Hons)
Law (Graduate Entry) LLB (Hons)
Law with a Language LLB (Hons)
Law with American Studies (with a study abroad year) LLB (Hons)
Law with Business and Management LLB (Hons)
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons)
Law with International Relations LLB (Hons)
Law with Politics LLB (Hons)
Liberal Arts BA (Hons)
Mathematics BSc (Hons)
Mathematics MMath
Mathematics (research placement) MMath
Mathematics (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Data Science BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Data Science MMath
Mathematics with Economics BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Economics MMath
Mathematics with Finance BSc (Hons)
Mathematics with Finance MMath
Sociology with Media Studies BA (Hons)
Psychology with Clinical Approaches BSc (Hons)
Music BA (Hons)
Philosophy BA (Hons)
Philosophy and Sociology BA (Hons)
Politics and Philosophy BA (Hons)
Astrophysics MPhys
Physics BSc (Hons)
Physics MPhys
Physics (Quantum Technology) MPhys
Physics (Quantum Technology) (research placement) MPhys
Physics (research placement) MPhys
Physics (with an industrial placement year) BSc (Hons)
Physics (with an industrial placement year) MPhys
Physics and Astronomy (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Physics with Astrophysics BSc (Hons)
Physics with Astrophysics MPhys
Physics with Data Science BSc (Hons)
Physics with Data Science MPhys
Theoretical Physics BSc (Hons)
Theoretical Physics MPhys
Politics BA (Hons)
Politics and Sociology BA (Hons)
Social Work BA (Hons)
Sociology BA (Hons)
Sociology with a Language BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance MSc
Banking and Finance MSc
Corporate and Financial Risk Management MSc
Financial Data Analytics MSc
Financial Mathematics MSc
Fintech, Risk and Investment Analysis MSc
International Finance and Economics MSc
Sustainable Finance and Accounting (with a professional placement year) MSc
Sustainable Finance and Accounting MSc
Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation MA
Gender, Violence and Conflict MA
Migration and Global Development MA
Migration and Refugee Studies MA
Power, Participation and Social Change MA
Sexual Dissidence MA
Social Anthropology MA
Art History and Museum Curating MA
Art History MA
Secondary Art and Design PGCE
Animal Behaviour MRes
Cancer Cell Biology MSc
Genetic Manipulation and Molecular Cell Biology MSc
Conservation Biology MRes
Global Biodiversity Conservation MSc
Nanomaterials and Energy MSc
Secondary Science with Biology PGCE
Engineering Business Management MSc
Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management MSc
Global Supply Chain Management (online) MSc
Globalisation, Business and Development MA
Human Resource Management MSc
International Business and Development MSc
International Business and Development MSc
International Business Economics MSc
International Business Economics MSc
International Management MSc
International Marketing (online) MSc
International Marketing (online) MSc
Management and Finance MSc
Management MSc
Management of Information Technology MSc
Marketing Analysis and Consultancy (online) PGCert
Marketing and Consumer Psychology MSc
Master of Business Administration MBA
Project Management MSc
Secondary Business Studies PGCE
Strategic Innovation Management (with a professional placement year) MSc
Strategic Innovation Management MSc
Strategic Marketing MSc
Drug Discovery, Design and Synthesis MSc
Secondary Science with Chemistry PGCE
Childhood and Youth Studies MA
Early Years Education (with Early Years Teacher Status) MA
Early Years Education MA
Education (full time) MA
Education (part time) MA
International Education and Development MA
Applied Linguistics and TESOL MA
Primary PGCE
Secondary Art and Design PGCE
Secondary Business Studies PGCE
Secondary Computer Science PGCE
Secondary Computing and Business Studies PGCE
Secondary Design Technology PGCE
Secondary Design Technology PGCE
Secondary Drama PGCE
Secondary English and Drama PGCE
Secondary English and Media Studies PGCE
Secondary English PGCE
Secondary Geography PGCE
Secondary History PGCE
Secondary History PGCE
Secondary Latin and Classics PGCE
Secondary Mathematics PGCE
Secondary Modern Foreign Languages PGCE
Secondary Music PGCE
Secondary Psychology PGCE
Secondary Science with Biology PGCE
Secondary Science with Chemistry PGCE
Secondary Science with Physics PGCE
5G Mobile Communications and Intelligent Embedded Systems (with an industrial placement year) MSc
5G Mobile Communications and Intelligent Embedded Systems MSc
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Systems (with an industrial placement year) MSc
Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Systems MSc
Computer Science (Conversion) MSc
Computing with Digital Media MSc
Data Science (with an industrial placement year) MSc
Data Science MSc
Human and Social Data Science MSc
Management of Information Technology MSc
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with a Masters industrial placement) MSc
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with an industrial placement year) MSc
Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc
Secondary Computer Science PGCE
Secondary Computing and Business Studies PGCE
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM
Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
Corruption and Governance (online) MA
Corruption and Governance MA
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM
Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law LLM
International Commercial Law LLM
International Financial Law LLM
International Human Rights Law LLM
International Law LLM
Law (replacing the GDL) MA
Migration and Global Development MA
Migration and Refugee Studies MA
Cultural and Creative Industries MA
Contemporary History MA
Secondary History PGCE
Philosophy MA
Digital Media MA
Media Practice for Development and Social Change MA
Media, Ethics and Social Change (online) MA
Music and Sonic Media MA
Filmmaking MA
Film Studies MA
Journalism and Documentary Practice MA
Creative and Critical Writing MA
International Journalism MA
Journalism and Media Studies MA
Climate Change, Development and Policy MSc
Energy and Climate Policy MSc
Energy Policy (online) MSc
Global Health MSc
Global Health PGCert
Global Health PGDip
Nanomaterials and Energy MSc
Sustainable Development MSc
Sustainable Development (online) MSc
Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering (with an industrial placement year) MSc
Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
English: Literature, Culture and Theory MA
Sexual Dissidence MA
Gender and Development MA
Gender Studies MA
Gender, Violence and Conflict MA
Environment, Development and Policy MA
Food and Development MA
Geopolitics and International Affairs MA
Social Development MA
Conflict, Security and Development MA
Corruption and Governance (online) MA
Corruption and Governance MA
Governance, Development and Public Policy MA
Human Rights MA
International Political Economy MA
International Relations MA
International Security MA
Translation Studies MA
Mathematics MSc
Gender and Media MA
Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine MSc
Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine PGCert
Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine PGDip
Cardiology MSc
Cardiology PGCert
Cardiology PGDip
Clinical Education MSc
Clinical Education PGDip
Clinical Professional Studies PGCert
Dementia Studies MSc
Dementia Studies PGCert
Dementia Studies PGDip
Dental Implantation Reconstructive Surgery PGDip
Diabetes in Primary Care PGCert
Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health MSc
Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning MSc
Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning PGCert
Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning PGDip
Internal Medicine MSc
Internal Medicine PGCert
Internal Medicine PGDip
Medical Education PGCert
Medical Research MRes
Medical Research PGCert
Nuclear Medicine MSc
Nuclear Medicine PGCert
Nuclear Medicine PGDip
Paediatrics and Child Health MSc
Paediatrics and Child Health PGCert
Paediatrics and Child Health PGDip
Physician Associate Studies MSc
Psychiatry MSc
Psychiatry PGCert
Psychiatry PGDip
Psychological Methods MRes
Psychological Therapy PGDip
Public Health MSc
Public Health PGCert
Public Health PGDip
Simulation in Clinical Practice PGCert
Cognitive Neuroscience MSc
Neuroscience MRes
Neuroscience MSc
Astronomy MSc
Cosmology MSc
Nanomaterials and Energy MSc
Particle Physics MSc
Physics MSc
Quantum Technology Applications and Management (online) MSc
Quantum Technology MSc
Social and Political Thought MA
Science and Technology Policy MSc
Science and Technology Policy (with a professional placement year) MSc
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc
Occupational and Organizational Psychology MSc
Psychology (Conversion) - previously called 'Experimental Psychology' MSc
Psychology of Kindness and Wellbeing at Work (online) PGCert
Social Work MA
Social Work PGDip
Development Economics MSc
Development Studies MA
Poverty and Development MA