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University of Bristol

Lokasyon ikonu Bristol - İngiltere
University of Bristol görseli
University of Bristol
Lokasyon İkonu Bristol - İngiltere
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Okul Hakkında


University of Bristol, 1909 yılında Bristol’da kurulan yüksek eğitim kurumudur. 1909 Yılında kurulduğu bilinse de üniversitenin kökleri 1876 yılına kadar uzanmaktadır. Okulun yüzde 28’ini uluslararası öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Dünya çapında fazlasıyla ün sahibi olan bir üniversitedir. İngiltere’de en iyi 9. Üniversite olarak seçilmiştir. Bristol Üniversitesi 30.000'den fazla öğrenciye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Tıp ve Yaşam Bilimleri Fakültesi, fazlasıyla ön plana çıkmaktadır. Dünya sıralamasında en başlarda yer almaktadır.


Bristol Üniversitesi, yurtların, kütüphanelerin kısacası her şeyin bir arada olduğu bir üniversitedir. Öğrenciler yürüme mesafesi ile dükkanlara, restoranlara ve diğer olanaklara kolaylıkla ulaşabilirler. Eğitim harici üniversite birçok spor ,eğlence ve aktiviteler düzenlemektedir. Öğrenciler Bristol’da eğitim alırken tarih ve müzik ile iç içe olacaklardır.

Genel Bilgiler

  • Üniversite Tipi Devlet
  • Kuruluş Yılı 1909
  • Eğitim Dili İngilizce
  • Öğrenci Sayısı 30000
  • Yerleşkeler Clifton Campus, Langford Campus
  • Dünya Sıralaması 55

Programlar ve Ücretleri

Virology and Immunology-BSc
Business and Management with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
Economics and Econometrics-BSc
Politics with Quantitative Research Methods with Study Abroad-BSc
Medicine-MB ChB
History of Art and Russian-BA
English Literature and Community Engagement-BA
History of Art and Spanish-BA
Modern Languages-BA
Economics and Econometrics with Study Abroad-BSc
Cancer Biology and Immunology-BSc
Virology and Immunology-MSci
Cancer Biology and Immunology-MSci
Economics and Finance-BSc
Psychology in Education-BSc
History with Innovation-MArts
English and French-BA
History with Study Abroad-BA
Music and Portuguese-BA
Accounting and Finance-BSc
Accounting and Finance with Professional Placement-BSc
Accounting and Finance with Study Abroad-BSc
Accounting and Management with Professional Placement-BSc
Accounting and Management with Study Abroad-BSc
Accounting with Innovation-MSci
Aerospace Engineering-BEng
Aerospace Engineering-MEng
Aerospace Engineering with Study Abroad-MEng
Aerospace Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-MEng
Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry-MEng
Ancient History-BA
Anthropology with Innovation-MArts
Archaeology and Anthropology-BA
Economics and Accounting-BSc
Economics and Accounting with Professional Placement-BSc
Economics and Accounting with Study Abroad-BSc
Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry-BSc
Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry-MSci
Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-BSc
Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology-MSci
Biochemistry with Study in Industry-BSc
Biology with Professional Placement-BSc
Biology with Professional Placement-MSci
Biomedical Sciences-BSc
Business Analytics-BSc
Business and Management-BSc
Business and Management with Innovation-MSci
Business and Management with Study Abroad-BSc
Business and Management with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
Cellular and Molecular Medicine-BSc
Cellular and Molecular Medicine-MSci
Cellular and Molecular Medicine with Study in Industry-BSc
Chemical Physics-BSc
Chemical Physics-MSci
Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience-MSci
Chemistry with Computing-BSc
Chemistry with Computing-MSci
Chemistry with Industrial Experience-MSci
Chemistry with Study Abroad-MSci
Chemistry with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-MSci
Childhood Studies-BSc
Childhood Studies with Quantitative Research Methods-BSc
Childhood Studies with Quantitative Research Methods-MSci
Childhood Studies with Study Abroad-BSc
Civil Engineering-BEng
Civil Engineering-MEng
Civil Engineering with Study Abroad-MEng
Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry-BEng
Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry-MEng
Classical Studies-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures and French-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures and German-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Italian-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Portuguese-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Russian-BA
Comparative Literatures and Cultures and Spanish-BA
Computer Science-BSc
Computer Science-MEng
Computer Science with Innovation-MEng
Computer Science with Study Abroad-MEng
Criminology with Quantitative Research Methods-BSc
Criminology with Quantitative Research Methods-MSci
Criminology with Study Abroad-BSc
English and Classical Studies-BA
Mathematics and Computer Science-BSc
Mathematics and Computer Science-MEng
Data Science-BSc
Data Science with a Year in Industry-BSc
Dental Hygiene and Therapy-BSc
Economics and Finance with Study Abroad-BSc
Economics and Management-BSc
Economics and Management with Study Abroad-BSc
Economics and Mathematics-BSc
Economics and Politics-BSc
Economics and Politics with Study Abroad-BSc
Economics with Innovation-MSci
Economics with Study Abroad-BSc
Economics with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
Education Studies-BSc
Education Studies with Study Abroad-BSc
Electrical and Electronic Engineering-BEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering-MEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Innovation-MEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad-MEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-MEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry-BEng
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry-MEng
Engineering Design-BEng
Engineering Design-MEng
Engineering Design with Study in Industry-BEng
Engineering Design with Study in Industry-MEng
Engineering Mathematics-BEng
Engineering Mathematics-MEng
Engineering Mathematics with Study Abroad-MEng
Engineering Mathematics with a Year in Industry-BEng
Engineering Mathematics with a Year in Industry-MEng
English and German-BA
English and History-BA
English and Italian-BA
English and Philosophy-BA
English and Portuguese-BA
English and Russian-BA
English and Spanish-BA
English with Study Abroad-BA
Environmental Geoscience-BSc
Environmental Geoscience-MSci
Environmental Geoscience with Study Abroad-MSci
Film and English-BA
Philosophy and Economics-BSc
Philosophy and Economics with Study Abroad-BSc
Theatre and English-BA
Theatre and French-BA
Film and German-BA
Gateway to Dentistry-BDS
Gateway to Medicine-MB-ChB
Gateway to Veterinary Science-BVSc
Geography with Innovation-MSci
Geography with Quantitative Research Methods-BSc
Geography with Quantitative Research Methods-MSci
Geography with Study Abroad-BSc
Geography with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
Geology with Study Abroad-MSci
Geophysics with Study Abroad-MSci
History and German-BA
History of Art and German-BA
International Business Management and German-BA
Law and German-LLB
Music and German-BA
Philosophy and German-BA
Politics and German-BA
Theatre and German-BA
History and French-BA
History and Italian-BA
History and Portuguese-BA
History and Russian-BA
History and Spanish-BA
History of Art-BA
History of Art and French-BA
History of Art and Italian-BA
History of Art and Portuguese-BA
Film and Italian-BA
International Business Management-BSc
International Business Management and French-BA
International Business Management and Spanish-BA
International Business Management with Study Abroad-BSc
International Business Management with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
International Foundation Programme-Arts and Humanities
International Foundation Programme-Science,Technology,Engineering,Mathematics
International Foundation Programme-Social Sciences and Law
International Foundation Programme -Dentistry
International Social and Public Policy-BSc
International Social and Public Policy with Study Abroad-BSc
Music and Italian-BA
Philosophy and Italian-BA
Politics and Italian-BA
Theatre and Italian-BA
Law and French-LLB
Law and Spanish-LLB
Law with Study Abroad-LLB
Law with Study in Continental Europe-LLB
Liberal Arts-BA
Liberal Arts with Study Abroad-MLibArts
Marketing with Study Abroad-BSc
Marketing with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
Mathematics and Computer Science-BSc
Mathematics and Philosophy-BSc
Mathematics and Philosophy-MSci
Mathematics and Physics-BSc
Mathematics and Physics-MSci
Mathematics with Statistics-BSc
Mathematics with Statistics-MSci
Mathematics with Statistics for Finance-BSc
Mathematics with Study Abroad-MSci
Mathematics with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-BSc
Mathematics with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-MSci
Mechanical Engineering-BEng
Mechanical Engineering-MEng
Mechanical Engineering with Study Abroad-MEng
Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry-BEng
Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry-MEng
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering-BEng
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering-MEng
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry-BEng
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry-MEng
Medical Microbiology-BSc
Medical Microbiology-MSci
Medical Microbiology with Study in Industry-BSc
Music and French-BA
Music and Russian-BA
Music with Innovation-MArts
Neuroscience with Study in Industry-BSc
Psychology and Neuroscience-MSci
Film and Portuguese-BA
Palaeontology and Evolution-BSc
Palaeontology and Evolution-MSci
Pharmacology with Study in Industry-BSc
Philosophy and Politics-BSc
Philosophy and Portuguese-BA
Philosophy and Russian-BA
Philosophy and Spanish-BA
Philosophy and Theology-BA
Physics and Philosophy-BSc
Physics and Philosophy-MSci
Physics with Astrophysics-BSc
Physics with Astrophysics-MSci
Physics with Computing-BSc
Physics with Computing-MSci
Physics with Computing with Industrial Experience-MSci
Physics with Industrial Experience-MSci
Physics with Innovation-MSci
Physics with International Experience-MSci
Physics with Study Abroad in a Modern Language-MSci
Physiological Science-BSc
Physiological Science-MSci
Physiological Science with Study in Industry-BSc
Plant Sciences-BSc
Plant Sciences-MSci
Plant Sciences with Professional Placement-BSc
Plant Sciences with Professional Placement-MSci
Politics and French-BA
Politics and International Relations-BSc
Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad-BSc
Politics and Portuguese-BA
Politics and Portuguese-BA
Politics and Russian-BA
Politics and Sociology-BSc
Politics and Spanish-BA
Politics with Quantitative Research Methods-BSc
Politics with Quantitative Research Methods-MSci
Psychology in Education with Study Abroad-BSc
Psychology with Innovation-MSci
Social Policy and Politics-BSc
Sociology and Philosophy-BSc
Theatre and Portuguese-BA
Religion and Theology-BA
Religion and Theology with Study Abroad-MArts
Film and Spanish-BA
Social Policy with Criminology-BSc
Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods-BSc
Social Policy with Quantitative Research Methods-MSci
Social Policy with Study Abroad-BSc
Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods-BSc
Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods-MSci
Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods with Study Abroad-BSc
Sociology with Study Abroad-BSc
Theatre and Film-BA
Theatre and Performance Studies-BA
Theatre and Spanish-BA
Theatre with Innovation-MArts
Theoretical Physics-MSci
Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour-BSc
Veterinary Science-BVSc
Veterinary Science: Accelerated Graduate Entry-BVSc
Virology and Immunology with Study in Industry-BSc
Zoology with a Professional Placement-BSc
Zoology with a Professional Placement-MSci