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Oxford Brookes University

Lokasyon ikonu Oxford - İngiltere
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Oxford Brookes University
Lokasyon İkonu Oxford - İngiltere
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Okul Hakkında

Oxford dünyadaki en popüler öğrenci şehirlerinden bir tanesidir. İngiltere’nin güneydoğusunda yer almaktadır. Kışları bol yağışlı geçen şehir İngiltere’nin ulaşım bakımından en rahat şehirleri arasında gösterilebilir. Dünyaca tanınan üniversitelere ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Öğrenci şehri olması şehri aktivite bakımından zenginleştirmiştir. Ortaçağ’da dünya eğitiminin öncülüğünü yapmış olan bu şehirde nüfusun çoğunluğunu öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen öğrenciler tarihi güzelliklerin yanı sıra yüzyılın modern yaşamını tecrübe edinme şansını elde etmektedir. Eğitimde olduğu gibi sanatta da öncülüğünü sürdüren Oxford’da, müzik konserleri, tiyatro, bale ve müzikal izleyebileceğiniz beş ayrı tiyatro bulunmaktadır. Köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan Oxford Blookers Universty 1865 yılında Taylor Enstitüsü içinde sanat okulu olarak kurulmuş ve kuruluşundan beş yıl sonra Fen bilimleri okulu ile birleşmiş, teknik ve sanat alanlarında eğitime devam ederek 1992 de son halini almıştır. Oxford şehrinde modern eğitim teknikleri ile IBM, BMW, Microsoft, Virgin Atlantic, KPMG gibi global şirketlere yetiştirdiği mezunlarıyla ünlüdür. Lisans ve lisansüstü seviyede geniş bir program yelpazesi sunuyor. İngiltere’de eğitim sonrası iş bulma oranın en yüksek olduğu üniversitelerden bir tanesidir. Üniversitenin en popüler bölümleri arasında: Yönetim Bilimi, Sosyal Bilimler, İngilizce Öğretmenliği, MBA, Hukuk ve Bilgisayardır. Üniversitenin 19.000 olan öğrenci nüfusunun %30 unu, 100 ayrı ülkeden gelen yabancı öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Dinamik ve yenilikçi düşünce yapısı ile eğitim veren üniversitede dersler öğrenciye teorik bilgini yanı sıra pratik alanda da tecrübeler edinmesini sağlayacak şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Üniversitenin birçok bölümü öğrencisine başka bir Avrupa ülkesinde veya Amerika’ da eğitim görme şansı ya da öğrencinin bölümüyle ilgili staj yapma imkânı sunmaktadır. Üniversitenin 3 adet kampüsü bulunmaktadır. Kampüsler şehir merkezine yakın yerlerde kurulmuştur. Alışveriş merkezi, banka, sağlık kuruluşları ve kütüphaneler kampüs içerisinde yer almaktadır. Öğrencilerine aynı zamanda eğitimlerinin ilk yıllarında kendi yurtlarında kalma garantisi vermektedir.

Genel Bilgiler

  • Üniversite Tipi Devlet
  • Kuruluş Yılı 1865
  • Eğitim Dili İngilizce
  • Öğrenci Sayısı 13550
  • Yerleşkeler Harcourt Hill, Headington, Swindon, Wheatly
  • Dünya Sıralaması QS:361 THE:401-500

Programlar ve Ücretleri

Economics ( BSc )
Accounting and Economics - BSc
BA Politics
Motorsport Engineering (BEng)
Drama, Theatre and Acting BA ( Hons )
Graphic Design ( BA )
Urban Design, Planning and Development
Criminology and International Relations (joint honours)
Economics, Politics and International Relations BA
Mechanical Engineering
Sport, Coaching and Physical Education BSc (Hons)
International Hospitality and Hotel Management BSc (Hons)
Media, Journalism and Publishing BA (Hons)
Biological Sciences (Genetics and Genomics) BSc (Hons)
Economics, Finance and International Business BSc (Hons)
Computer Science BSc (Hons)
Business and Finance BSc (Hons)
History BA (Hons)
Photography BA (Hons)
International Business Management BA (Hons)
Film BA (Hons)
Nutrition BSc (Hons)
Sociology BA (Hons)
Architecture BA (Hons)
Education Studies and English Literature (joint honours)
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
Events Management BSc (Hons)
Business Management and International Relations BA (Hons)
Liberal Arts BA (Hons)
Japanese Studies BA (Hons)
Marketing Management BA (Hons)
English Literature BA (Hons)
Nursing (Adult) BSc (Hons)
Philosophy and Politics (joint honours) BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)
International Relations BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons)
Interior Architecture BA (Hons)
Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) or MSc
Communication, Media and Culture and English Literature (joint honours) BA (Hons)
Sports Coaching, Fitness and Rehabilitation (FdSc)
International Relations and Sociology (joint honours) BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons)
Business and Law BA (Hons)
Economics BSc (Hons)
Sports Science with Sports Coaching Education (FdSc)
Business and Management BA (Hons)
Communication, Media and Culture and Sociology (joint honours)
Criminology and Law BSc (Hons)
Information Technology for Business BSc (Hons)
Medical Science BSc (Hons)
English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons)
Communication, Media and Culture and Politics (joint honours) BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons)
Real Estate BSc (Hons)
Animal Biology and Conservation BSc (Hons)
Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)
Computer Science for Cyber Security BSc (Hons)
Automotive Engineering with Electric Vehicles BEng (Hons) or MEng
Nursing (Mental Health) BSc (Hons)
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons)
Digital Marketing BA (Hons)
Business and Marketing Management BA (Hons)
Biological Sciences (MBiol) MBiol
Global Business and Entrepreneurship with Foundation Year BA (Hons)
Digital Media Production BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons)
International Relations and Politics BA (Hons)
English Literature with Creative Writing BA (Hons)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng BEng (Hons)
Global Business and Entrepreneurship (Professional Business Services) with Foundation Year
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
Modern Languages with Translation BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
Marketing and Events Management BA (Hons)
Communication, Media and Culture BA (Hons)
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management BSc (Hons)
Business, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BA (Hon
International Tourism and Hospitality Management BSc (Hons)
Advanced Clinical Practice MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Education MA
Data Analytics MSc
Mechanical Engineering MSc
International Security MA or PGDip or PGCert
Architecture MArch
Human Resource Management - MA, PGDip
Nursing Studies (Leadership in Clinical practice) MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Humanitarian Action and Peacebuilding MA or PGCert
Global Public Health Leadership MPH or PGDip or PGCert
Education (Leadership and Management) MA
Real Estate MSc or PGDip
Accounting and Finance MSc
International Business Management - MSc
Business and Enterprise MSc
Education (Artist Teacher Practice) MA
Education (Artist Teacher Practice) MA
Psychology MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Social Work MA or PGDip
Digital Craft in Architecture MA
Marketing MSc
Applied Design in Architecture (ARB and RIBA part 2)
International Business Management and Entrepreneurship MSc
Construction Project Management MSc
Artificial Intelligence MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Advanced Computer Science MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Applied Human Nutrition MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Medical Genetics and Genomics MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Midwifery - Pre-Registration MSc
Dietetics (Pre-Registration) MSc or PGDip
Automotive Engineering with Electric Vehicles MSc
Digital Marketing MSc
Global Events Management MSc
Creative Industries MA
Strategic Professional Accounting and Finance MSc
Primate Conservation - Human-Primate Interface
Education (Childhood and Youth Studies) MA
Digital Publishing MA or PGDip
Publishing Media MA or PGDip or PGCert
International Luxury Marketing MSc
Coaching and Mentoring Practice MA or PGDip or PGCert
Building Information Modelling and Management MSc
International Business and Supply Chain Management MSc
Primate Conservation - Apes in the Anthropocene MSc or PGDip or PGCert
PGCE Primary 5-11 (with QTS) PGCE
Infrastructure Planning and Sustainable Development MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Global Development and Humanitarian Practice MA or PGDip or PGCert
Nursing (Mental Health) - Pre-Registration MSc
Industrialised Construction and Design Management MSc
Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Sustainable Architecture: Evaluation and Design MSc
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management MSc
Management and Business Analytics MSc
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management MSc
Marketing and Brand Management MSc
International Hospitality, Events and Tourism Management MSc
Project Management in the Built Environment MSc
International Hotel and Tourism Management MSc
Marketing Communications Management MSc
Interior Architecture MA
Motorsport Engineering MSc
Public Health MPH or PGDip or PGCert
Public Health MPH or PGDip or PGCert
Public Health MPH or PGDip or PGCert
Computer Science for Cyber Security MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Digital Media Production MSc
Primate Conservation - Lemurs and Nocturnal Primates MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Criminology MSc
Racing Engine Systems MSc
Computing Science MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Finance MSc
Education (SEND) [Special Educational Needs and Disabilities] MA
History MA or PGDip or PGCert
Human Resource Management MSc
International Relations MA or PGDip or PGCert
International Business and Marketing Management MSc
LLM Master of Laws LLM or PGDip or PGCert
Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) MSc
Creative Writing MA or PGDip or PGCert
Journalism MA
Electric Motorsport MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Education (TESOL) MA
English Literature MA or PGDip or PGCert
Conservation Ecology MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Management MSc
Health Sciences Open Award MSc or PGDip or PGCert
Spatial Planning MSc
Urban Design MA or PGDip or PGCert
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